
Picture of Froze


Table of Contents

Table of Contents


2FA2FA A security mechanism requiring two distinct authentication methods to access an account, typically a password and a temporary code via SMS or a code-generating application.

A securitySecurity The measures and technologies used to protect blockchain networks and assets from theft, fraud, and attacks. mechanism requiring two distinct authentication methods to access an account, typically a password and a temporary code via SMS or a code-generating application.

51% Attack51% Attack An attack on a blockchain where a malicious actor holds more than 51% of the hashing power, allowing them to manipulate transactions.

An attack on a blockchainBlockchain A public and immutable ledger of cryptographic transactions, organized in blocks. where a malicious actor holds more than 51% of the hashing power, allowing them to manipulate transactions.

AddressAddress A unique string of characters that identifies an entity or account on a blockchain network, allowing the sending and receiving of cryptocurrencies.

A unique string of characters that identifies an entity or account on a blockchain network, allowing the sending and receiving of cryptocurrencies.

AirdropAirdrop The free distribution of cryptocurrencies to existing holders or community members to promote a project. It's an excellent way to distribute tokens among different users and launch a project.

The free distribution of cryptocurrencies to existing holders or community members to promote a project. It’s an excellent way to distribute tokens among different users and launch a project.

All InAll In The action of investing all one's funds in a crypto asset or operation, implying a total loss if the investment fails.

The action of investing all one’s funds in a crypto assetAsset Any digital asset, including cryptocurrencies. or operation, implying a total loss if the investment fails.

AltcoinAltcoin Any cryptocurrency created after Bitcoin, referring to alternative or competing cryptocurrencies. They are often highly volatile, less liquid, and therefore riskier. Some aim to solve specific problems, while others are created as memes.

Any cryptocurrencyCryptocurrency A digital currency based on cryptographic technology to verify and secure its transactions and control the supply. A blockchain is used to store transactions transparently and verifiably. created after Bitcoin, referring to alternative or competing cryptocurrencies. They are often highly volatile, less liquid, and therefore riskier. Some aim to solve specific problems, while others are created as memes.

AMAAMA A Q&A session where an individual or team answers questions from the community.

A Q&A session where an individual or team answers questions from the community.

AMFAMF The French Financial Markets Authority, the regulatory body for financial markets in France.

The French Financial Markets Authority, the regulatory body for financial markets in France.

AMMAMM An algorithm used in decentralized trading platforms (DEX) to provide liquidity using pools. Liquidity providers deposit into these pools and receive a share of the fees generated by transactions. The algorithm determines the asset price based on supply and demand in the pool.

An algorithm used in decentralized trading platforms (DEXDEX A decentralized exchange platform without a central authority, often using AMMs to enable trades.) to provide liquidityLiquidity The ease with which an asset can be bought or sold without affecting its price. using pools. Liquidity providers deposit into these pools and receive a share of the fees generated by transactions. The algorithm determines the asset price based on supply and demand in the pool.

APR / APYAPR / APY Annual interest rates used in lending and staking platforms. APR = with compound interest, APY = without.

Annual interest rates used in lendingLending The act of lending cryptocurrency for interest. and stakingStaking The act of participating in a Proof of Stake network by locking up tokens as collateral to validate transactions and secure the network. platforms. APR = with compound interest, APY = without.

ArbitrageArbitrage Exploiting the price difference between two markets to make a profit.

Exploiting the price difference between two markets to make a profit.

ASICASIC A type of mining hardware specifically designed for certain cryptocurrencies, more efficient than GPUs and CPUs.

A type of miningMining The process of validating transactions and securing a blockchain network through computational work. hardware specifically designed for certain cryptocurrencies, more efficient than GPUs and CPUs.

AskAsk The price at which a seller is willing to sell a cryptocurrency on a market.

The price at which a seller is willing to sell a cryptocurrency on a marketMarket A place where assets are bought and sold..


Any digital asset, including cryptocurrencies.

ATH / ATLATH / ATL The highest and lowest historical prices reached by an asset.

The highest and lowest historical prices reached by an asset.

Atomic SwapAtomic Swap A peer-to-peer crypto exchange without the need for an intermediary.

A peer-to-peer crypto exchange without the need for an intermediary.


Bear MarketBear Market A prolonged period of declining asset prices.

A prolonged period of declining asset prices.

Bear TrapBear Trap A situation where investors think the market will continue to fall, but it suddenly rebounds.

A situation where investors think the market will continue to fall, but it suddenly rebounds.

BearishBearish A negative outlook on the market or a project, believing that prices are likely to decline.

A negative outlook on the market or a project, believing that prices are likely to decline.

BlockBlock A fundamental element of a blockchain, containing a set of transactions.

A fundamental element of a blockchain, containing a set of transactions.


A public and immutable ledgerLedger A record of all transactions on a blockchain, often managed in a decentralized manner. of cryptographic transactions, organized in blocks.

BridgeBridge A protocol allowing the transfer of assets from one blockchain to another.

A protocol allowing the transfer of assets from one blockchain to another.

BrokerBroker A platform or individual facilitating the buying and selling of assets for a fee.

A platform or individual facilitating the buying and selling of assets for a fee.

Bull MarketBull Market A prolonged period of rising asset prices.

A prolonged period of rising asset prices.

BullishBullish A positive outlook on the market or a project, believing that prices are likely to rise.

A positive outlook on the market or a project, believing that prices are likely to rise.

BurnBurn The permanent destruction of a specific quantity of crypto, reducing its total supply. Tokens are sent to a burn address and become permanently unusable.

The permanent destruction of a specific quantity of crypto, reducing its total supply. Tokens are sent to a burn address and become permanently unusable.


CBDCCBDC A digital currency issued by a central bank.

A digital currency issued by a central bank.

CEXCEX A centralized exchange platform controlled by a single entity.

A centralized exchange platform controlled by a single entity.

CFDCFD A financial contract based on the difference between the purchase and sale prices of a crypto asset. Widely used in finance because it allows speculation on the price of an asset without owning it.

A financial contract based on the difference between the purchase and sale prices of a crypto asset. Widely used in finance because it allows speculation on the price of an asset without owning it.

ChartChart A graph representing price changes over time.

A graph representing price changes over time.

Cold StorageCold Storage The storage of cryptocurrencies offline, typically on physical media.

The storage of cryptocurrencies offline, typically on physical media.

CollateralCollateral Assets deposited as security to borrow other assets. Used to ensure that the borrower repays on time and avoids default. If the value of the collateral drops, the creditor may request additional collateral and sometimes issue a margin call.

Assets deposited as security to borrow other assets. Used to ensure that the borrower repays on time and avoids default. If the value of the collateral drops, the creditor may request additional collateral and sometimes issue a margin call.

ConsensusConsensus An agreement among blockchain participants on the validity of transactions. It is a key concept, essential for ensuring that all nodes on a chain share the same information.

An agreement among blockchain participants on the validity of transactions. It is a key concept, essential for ensuring that all nodes on a chain share the same information.

CorrectionCorrection A temporary price drop following a strong or prolonged rise.

A temporary price drop following a strong or prolonged rise.

CPUCPU The processor of a computer, a component that in crypto can be used to mine blocks by performing intensive calculations to validate transactions and secure the network.

The processor of a computer, a component that in crypto can be used to mine blocks by performing intensive calculations to validate transactions and secure the network.


A digital currency based on cryptographic technology to verify and secure its transactions and control the supply. A blockchain is used to store transactions transparently and verifiably.

CZCZ The CEO of Binance, the largest CEX at the time of writing.

The CEO of Binance, the largest CEX at the time of writing.


DAODAO A decentralized autonomous organization managed by a community and smart contracts on a blockchain.

A decentralized autonomous organization managed by a community and smart contracts on a blockchain.

dAppdApp An application built on a blockchain, operating autonomously without a central authority.

An application built on a blockchain, operating autonomously without a central authority.

Day TradingDay Trading The buying and selling of assets over short intervals within the same day to make profits.

The buying and selling of assets over short intervals within the same day to make profits.

DDOSDDOS An attack aimed at rendering a service unavailable by flooding the target server with traffic.

An attack aimed at rendering a service unavailable by flooding the target server with traffic.

DeFiDeFi DeFi services use smart contracts, decentralized protocols, and tokens to offer a range of financial services that can sometimes replace those offered by banks, such as lending/borrowing, asset management, insurance, or asset exchange.

DeFi services use smart contracts, decentralized protocols, and tokens to offer a rangeRange The difference between the highest and lowest prices of an asset within a specific period. of financial services that can sometimes replace those offered by banks, such as lending/borrowing, asset management, insurance, or asset exchange.

DeflationDeflation The reduction of the total supply of a cryptocurrency, often leading to an increase in its value.

The reduction of the total supply of a cryptocurrency, often leading to an increase in its value.


A decentralized exchange platform without a central authority, often using AMMs to enable trades.

DipDip A temporary price drop, usually short-lived.

A temporary price drop, usually short-lived.

DLTDLT A distributed ledger technology, which includes blockchains. The difference is very slight because these ledgers constitute decentralized databases managed with nodes and a consensus, without a particular authority or manager.

A distributed ledger technology, which includes blockchains. The difference is very slight because these ledgers constitute decentralized databases managed with nodes and a consensus, without a particular authority or manager.

Double SpendingDouble Spending The fraudulent duplication of a crypto transaction to spend the same funds twice. This is the basic problem that Satoshi solved on Bitcoin. It can occur when the recipient accepts an unconfirmed transaction. Consensus mechanisms ensure that this problem does not occur.

The fraudulent duplication of a crypto transaction to spend the same funds twice. This is the basic problem that SatoshiSatoshi The smallest unit of Bitcoin, equal to 0.00000001 BTC. solved on Bitcoin. It can occur when the recipient accepts an unconfirmed transaction. Consensus mechanisms ensure that this problem does not occur.

DowntrendDowntrend A prolonged period of declining prices.

A prolonged period of declining prices.

DumpDump The massive sale of an asset, causing a price drop.

The massive sale of an asset, causing a price drop.

DustDust Small amounts of cryptocurrency that are difficult to trade due to high fees or that are simply abandoned at the bottom of a wallet, falling into oblivion.

Small amounts of cryptocurrency that are difficult to trade due to high fees or that are simply abandoned at the bottom of a walletWallet A tool used to store, send, and receive cryptocurrencies., falling into oblivion.

DYORDYOR The encouragement to conduct independent research before investing. Often posted as a disclaimer, it is what is written in every investment disclaimer because it is essential to inform yourself before investing.

The encouragement to conduct independent research before investing. Often posted as a disclaimer, it is what is written in every investment disclaimer because it is essential to inform yourself before investing.


EquityEquity The part owned by an investor in a company, expressed in the form of shares.

The part owned by an investor in a company, expressed in the form of shares.

ERC20ERC20 A technical standard for tokens on the Ethereum blockchain, defining a set of rules for creating fungible tokens.

A technical standard for tokens on the Ethereum blockchain, defining a set of rules for creating fungible tokens.

Exit ScamExit Scam A fraudulent exit where a project collects funds and then disappears without delivering the promised product or service.

A fraudulent exit where a project collects funds and then disappears without delivering the promised product or service.


FaucetFaucet A system that distributes small amounts of free cryptocurrencies to users, often for promotional purposes.

A system that distributes small amounts of free cryptocurrencies to users, often for promotional purposes.

FlippeningFlippening The potential moment when another cryptocurrency, typically Ethereum, could surpass Bitcoin in market capitalization.

The potential moment when another cryptocurrency, typically Ethereum, could surpass Bitcoin in market capitalization.

FOMOFOMO The fear of missing an opportunity, often leading to impulsive buying.

The fear of missing an opportunity, often leading to impulsive buying.

ForkFork A divergence in a blockchain leading to the creation of two separate chains.

A divergence in a blockchain leading to the creation of two separate chains.

FUDFUD Negative or uncertain information spread to create fear and influence prices.

Negative or uncertain information spreadSpread The difference between the highest bid price and the lowest ask price on a market. to create fear and influence prices.

Fundamental AnalysisFundamental Analysis The evaluation of a crypto asset by examining its fundamentals, such as its utility, development team, adoption, technology, economic context, and potential, among other factors not directly related to price or charts.

The evaluation of a crypto asset by examining its fundamentals, such as its utility, development team, adoption, technology, economic context, and potential, among other factors not directly related to price or charts.

FuturesFutures A contract to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price in the future.

A contract to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price in the future.


GapGap A price difference between two trading sessions, often due to market closures.

A price difference between two trading sessions, often due to market closures.

GasGas Fees paid to execute transactions or smart contracts on the Ethereum network.

Fees paid to execute transactions or smart contracts on the Ethereum network.

GPUGPU A graphics card component that can be used to mine cryptocurrencies by performing the calculations needed to validate transactions. More powerful than a CPU for certain types of calculations.

A graphics card component that can be used to mine cryptocurrencies by performing the calculations needed to validate transactions. More powerful than a CPU for certain types of calculations.


HackHack A security breach allowing unauthorized access to assets or data.

A security breach allowing unauthorized access to assets or data.

Hardware WalletHardware Wallet A physical device used to store cryptocurrencies offline.

A physical device used to store cryptocurrencies offline.

HashHash A cryptographic function that converts input data into a fixed-size alphanumeric string.

A cryptographic function that converts input data into a fixed-size alphanumeric string.

HODLHODL A misspelling of "hold," meaning to keep an asset long-term despite price fluctuations.

A misspelling of “hold,” meaning to keep an asset long-term despite price fluctuations.

Hot StorageHot Storage The online storage of cryptocurrencies, typically more accessible but less secure than cold storage.

The online storage of cryptocurrencies, typically more accessible but less secure than cold storage.

Howey TestHowey Test A legal test used in the United States to determine whether an asset qualifies as a security.

A legal test used in the United States to determine whether an asset qualifies as a security.

HTFHTF A term used to describe longer trading periods, such as daily or weekly charts, often used to identify long-term trends and make informed decisions on a larger scale.

A term used to describe longer trading periods, such as daily or weekly charts, often used to identify long-term trends and make informed decisions on a larger scale.


ICOICO A fundraising event where a new cryptocurrency or token is sold to early investors.

A fundraising event where a new cryptocurrency or tokenToken A digital asset issued on a blockchain, representing various utilities, rights, or value. is sold to early investors.

IDOIDO A fundraising event where a new cryptocurrency is sold on a decentralized exchange.

A fundraising event where a new cryptocurrency is sold on a decentralized exchange.


KYCKYC A procedure requiring users to verify their identity to comply with regulatory standards.

A procedure requiring users to verify their identity to comply with regulatory standards.


LaunchpadLaunchpad A platform designed to assist new crypto projects in raising funds and launching their tokens.

A platform designed to assist new crypto projects in raising funds and launching their tokens.

LayerLayer Refers to different levels of protocols or platforms in the blockchain ecosystem, such as Layer 1 (base blockchains like Ethereum) or Layer 2 (scaling solutions built on top of Layer 1).

Refers to different levels of protocols or platforms in the blockchain ecosystem, such as Layer 1 (base blockchains like Ethereum) or Layer 2 (scaling solutions built on top of Layer 1).


A record of all transactions on a blockchain, often managed in a decentralized manner.


The act of lending cryptocurrency for interest.

LiquidationLiquidation The forced sale of an asset when the margin requirements are not met in a leveraged trading position.

The forced sale of an asset when the margin requirements are not met in a leveraged trading position.


The ease with which an asset can be bought or sold without affecting its price.

LTFLTF A term used to describe shorter trading periods, such as 1-minute or 5-minute charts, often used to analyze rapid price movements and make quick trading decisions.

A term used to describe shorter trading periods, such as 1-minute or 5-minute charts, often used to analyze rapid price movements and make quick trading decisions.


MainnetMainnet The main blockchain network where real transactions take place, as opposed to a testnet used for experimentation.

The main blockchain network where real transactions take place, as opposed to a testnetTestnet A testing environment for blockchain developers to experiment with new features without risking real assets. used for experimentation.

MakerMaker An entity that provides liquidity to a market by placing limit orders.

An entity that provides liquidity to a market by placing limit orders.

Margin TradingMargin Trading Trading with borrowed funds to increase potential returns, but also riskier due to potential liquidation.

Trading with borrowed funds to increase potential returns, but also riskier due to potential liquidation.


A place where assets are bought and sold.

Market CapMarket Cap The total value of a cryptocurrency, calculated by multiplying its price by its circulating supply.

The total value of a cryptocurrency, calculated by multiplying its price by its circulating supply.

Merkle TreeMerkle Tree A data structure used to verify the integrity of data within a blockchain block. In summary, each node of the tree is the result of a hash function applied to the data of its child nodes. This ensures data integrity by detecting any modifications, proving that a specific piece of data is part of a dataset without revealing the entire set, and quickly verifying data in a vast dataset.

A data structure used to verify the integrity of data within a blockchain block. In summary, each node of the tree is the result of a hash function applied to the data of its child nodes. This ensures data integrity by detecting any modifications, proving that a specific piece of data is part of a dataset without revealing the entire set, and quickly verifying data in a vast dataset.

MetaMaskMetaMask A popular Ethereum wallet and browser extension for interacting with dApps.

A popular Ethereum wallet and browser extension for interacting with dApps.

MetaverseMetaverse A virtual universe where users can interact, socialize, and trade assets, often using blockchain technology.

A virtual universe where users can interact, socialize, and trade assets, often using blockchain technology.

MEVMEV The profit that miners can potentially make by reorganizing transactions within a block they are validating.

The profit that miners can potentially make by reorganizing transactions within a block they are validating.


The process of validating transactions and securing a blockchain network through computational work.

MintMint The creation of new tokens or coins.

The creation of new tokens or coins.


NFTNFT A unique digital asset representing ownership of a specific item, often used for digital art, collectibles, and other digital assets.

A unique digital asset representing ownership of a specific item, often used for digital art, collectibles, and other digital assets.

NGMINGMI A phrase indicating skepticism about someone's decision or project, implying it is unlikely to succeed.

A phrase indicating skepticism about someone’s decision or project, implying it is unlikely to succeed.


OracleOracle A service that provides off-chain data to a blockchain, enabling smart contracts to interact with real-world information.

A service that provides off-chain data to a blockchain, enabling smart contracts to interact with real-world information.

Order BookOrder Book A book displaying buy (bids) and sell (asks) orders on a market.

A book displaying buy (bids) and sell (asks) orders on a market.

OTCOTC Trading that occurs directly between two parties, outside of an exchange.

Trading that occurs directly between two parties, outside of an exchange.


Panic SellPanic Sell The rapid sale of an asset due to fear, often causing a sharp price drop.

The rapid sale of an asset due to fear, often causing a sharp price drop.

Paper TradePaper Trade A simulated trade made for practice, without real money.

A simulated trade made for practice, without real money.

PonziPonzi A fraudulent investment scheme where returns are paid to earlier investors with the capital of newer investors.

A fraudulent investment scheme where returns are paid to earlier investors with the capital of newer investors.

Proof of CapacityProof of Capacity A consensus mechanism where mining rights are determined by the amount of hard disk space allocated.

A consensus mechanism where mining rights are determined by the amount of hard disk space allocated.

Proof of HistoryProof of History A consensus mechanism where transactions are verified based on a historical record, ensuring their correct sequence.

A consensus mechanism where transactions are verified based on a historical record, ensuring their correct sequence.

Proof of ReservesProof of Reserves A method used by exchanges to prove they hold enough assets to cover customer balances.

A method used by exchanges to prove they hold enough assets to cover customer balances.

Proof of StakeProof of Stake A consensus mechanism where validators are selected based on the number of tokens they hold and are willing to "stake" as collateral.

A consensus mechanism where validators are selected based on the number of tokens they hold and are willing to “stake” as collateral.

Proof of WorkProof of Work A consensus mechanism where miners compete to solve complex mathematical problems to validate transactions and secure the network.

A consensus mechanism where miners compete to solve complex mathematical problems to validate transactions and secure the network.

Public / Private KeyPublic / Private Key Cryptographic keys used to secure transactions and access to crypto assets.

Cryptographic keys used to secure transactions and access to crypto assets.

PumpPump A rapid increase in the price of an asset, often artificially inflated.

A rapid increase in the price of an asset, often artificially inflated.



The difference between the highest and lowest prices of an asset within a specific period.

ResistanceResistance A price level where selling pressure is expected to be strong enough to prevent further price increases.

A price level where selling pressure is expected to be strong enough to prevent further price increases.

ROIROI The percentage return on an investment relative to its cost.

The percentage return on an investment relative to its cost.



The smallest unit of Bitcoin, equal to 0.00000001 BTC.

ScalabilityScalability The ability of a blockchain network to handle a growing number of transactions efficiently.

The ability of a blockchain network to handle a growing number of transactions efficiently.

ScalpingScalping A trading strategy aimed at making small, quick profits by exploiting minor price movements.

A trading strategy aimed at making small, quick profits by exploiting minor price movements.


The measures and technologies used to protect blockchain networks and assets from theft, fraud, and attacks.

SegWitSegWit A protocol upgrade for Bitcoin that separates transaction signatures, allowing for more transactions to be included in each block.

A protocol upgrade for Bitcoin that separates transaction signatures, allowing for more transactions to be included in each block.

ShardingSharding A method of scaling a blockchain network by dividing it into smaller, more manageable pieces called shards.

A method of scaling a blockchain network by dividing it into smaller, more manageable pieces called shards.

ShitcoinShitcoin A derogatory term for a cryptocurrency with little or no value or utility.

A derogatory term for a cryptocurrency with little or no value or utility.

SidechainSidechain A separate blockchain that runs parallel to a main chain, allowing for interoperability and the transfer of assets between the two.

A separate blockchain that runs parallel to a main chain, allowing for interoperability and the transfer of assets between the two.

SlashingSlashing A penalty mechanism in Proof of Stake networks where a portion of a validator's staked tokens is taken away for malicious behavior or failure to perform their duties.

A penalty mechanism in Proof of Stake networks where a portion of a validatorValidator A participant in a Proof of Stake network responsible for validating transactions and securing the network.A participant in a Proof of Stake network responsible for validating transactions and securing the network.’s staked tokens is taken away for malicious behavior or failure to perform their duties.

SlippageSlippage The difference between the expected price of a trade and the actual price at which it is executed, often occurring during periods of high volatility or low liquidity.

The difference between the expected price of a trade and the actual price at which it is executed, often occurring during periods of high volatilityVolatility The degree of variation in an asset's price over time. or low liquidity.

Smart ContractSmart Contract A self-executing contract with the terms directly written into code on a blockchain.

A self-executing contract with the terms directly written into code on a blockchain.

Soft CapSoft Cap The minimum amount of funds a project aims to raise during a fundraising event, such as an ICO.

The minimum amount of funds a project aims to raise during a fundraising event, such as an ICO.

SoliditySolidity The programming language used to write smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.

The programming language used to write smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.

Soulbound TokenSoulbound Token A non-transferable NFT representing unique attributes, achievements, or relationships tied to a person or entity.

A non-transferable NFT representing unique attributes, achievements, or relationships tied to a person or entity.

SpotSpot A market where assets are bought and sold for immediate delivery.

A market where assets are bought and sold for immediate delivery.


The difference between the highest bid price and the lowest ask price on a market.

SqueezeSqueeze A situation where an asset's price movement forces traders to close their positions, often exacerbating the price movement.

A situation where an asset’s price movement forces traders to close their positions, often exacerbating the price movement.

StablecoinStablecoin A cryptocurrency pegged to a stable asset, such as a fiat currency, to minimize volatility.

A cryptocurrency pegged to a stable asset, such as a fiat currency, to minimize volatility.


The act of participating in a Proof of Stake network by locking up tokens as collateral to validate transactions and secure the network.

SupportSupport A price level where buying pressure is expected to be strong enough to prevent further price declines.

A price level where buying pressure is expected to be strong enough to prevent further price declines.

SwingSwing A trading strategy focused on capturing gains from short to medium-term price movements.

A trading strategy focused on capturing gains from short to medium-term price movements.


TakerTaker An entity that removes liquidity from a market by placing market orders.

An entity that removes liquidity from a market by placing market orders.

TangleTangle A blockchain alternative used by IOTA, where transactions are linked in a directed acyclic graph.

A blockchain alternative used by IOTA, where transactions are linked in a directed acyclic graph.

Technical AnalysisTechnical Analysis The study of price data, volume, charts, listing prices, etc., to predict a trend in an asset.

The study of price data, volume, charts, listing prices, etc., to predict a trend in an asset.


A testing environment for blockchain developers to experiment with new features without risking real assets.

TetherTether A popular stablecoin pegged to the US dollar.

A popular stablecoin pegged to the US dollar.

TickerTicker A short symbol used to represent a cryptocurrency on a trading platform.

A short symbol used to represent a cryptocurrency on a trading platform.


A digital asset issued on a blockchain, representing various utilities, rights, or value.

TokenizationTokenization The process of representing physical or digital assets as tokens on a blockchain.

The process of representing physical or digital assets as tokens on a blockchain.

TokenomicsTokenomics The study of the economics and supply dynamics of a cryptocurrency or token.

The study of the economics and supply dynamics of a cryptocurrency or token.

TrilemmaTrilemma The blockchain scalability problem, balancing decentralization, security, and scalability.

The blockchain scalability problem, balancing decentralization, security, and scalability.


UptrendUptrend A prolonged period of rising prices.

A prolonged period of rising prices.

Utility TokenUtility Token A token that provides access to a specific product or service within a blockchain ecosystem.

A token that provides access to a specific product or service within a blockchain ecosystem.



A participant in a Proof of Stake network responsible for validating transactions and securing the network.

VaporwareVaporware A project that is announced but never actually developed or released.

A project that is announced but never actually developed or released.

VestingVesting A period over which tokens or shares are gradually released to their recipients.

A period over which tokens or shares are gradually released to their recipients.


The degree of variation in an asset’s price over time.


WAGMIWAGMI An acronym for "We're All Gonna Make It," expressing optimism about a project or the crypto market in general.

An acronym for “We’re All Gonna Make It,” expressing optimism about a project or the crypto market in general.


A tool used to store, send, and receive cryptocurrencies.

WhaleWhale An investor holding a large amount of crypto or assets in general, capable of causing reactions when making transactions or expressing opinions on social media.

An investor holding a large amount of crypto or assets in general, capable of causing reactions when making transactions or expressing opinions on social media.

White HatWhite Hat An ethical hacker who identifies and reports security vulnerabilities to help improve system security.

An ethical hacker who identifies and reports security vulnerabilities to help improve system security.

WhitelistWhitelist A list of approved participants, often used in token sales or NFT mints to give priority access.

A list of approved participants, often used in token sales or NFT mints to give priority access.

WhitepaperWhitepaper A detailed document outlining the vision, technology, and goals of a blockchain project.

A detailed document outlining the vision, technology, and goals of a blockchain project.


Yield FarmingYield Farming The practice of earning rewards by providing liquidity to a DeFi protocol.

The practice of earning rewards by providing liquidity to a DeFi protocol.


Zero-Knowledge ProofZero-Knowledge Proof A cryptographic method that allows one party to prove to another that they know a value without revealing the value itself.

A cryptographic method that allows one party to prove to another that they know a value without revealing the value itself.

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CEO & Editor-in-Chief @ Web3Factory

Passionate about Cryptocurrency since 2017 (and highly addicted to the market)

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